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Caleb The Power

Caleb activating The Power.

The Power refers to a warlock's aptitude for magic. The Power remains dormant within the male user until his 13th birthday, Caleb Danvers described his "taste" of The Power as a kind of test. This matures when Ascension occurs on a warlock's 18th birthday, at apparently the exact moment of their birth (11:12 PM in Caleb's case, as shown in the film). It is a painful and frightening process for the warlock, as his body is overwhelmed with new power. A warlock's ascended power is described as being a thousand times stronger than their pre-ascension abilities, and therefore extremely seductive.

One of the other negatives to ascending is that when the user achieves this, The Power becomes their very life. Thus, when one uses it too much, they age prematurely each time until they burn out their body through over-usage, and if one wills their power away, they will die instantly.

When their powers are activated, their eyes turn pitch black and a wave of gold sparks rush through them.

Powers and Abilities[]

A warlock is able to perform a variety of feats using sheer willpower alone. They can cast a vast number of spells just by thinking of the intention they want to make, such as:


Telekinesis is the most visible of a warlock's abilities. This allows them to perform a variety of effects that defy gravity; ranging from falling from great heights without harming themselves to flying or even the levitation of various objects, such as paper. They can use this ability offensively by creating concussive blasts powerful enough to knock people a few feet away. This also gives them the ability to teleport their balls into another's mouth, as Chase demonstrates during his fight in the burning barn.

Increased Strength[]

Warlocks can use magic increase their strength to unforeseen superhuman levels (this was shown in the film between Caleb and Reid during one of their confrontations.)

Increased Speed[]

Much like one's strength, a warlock could use The Power to augment their speed and agility to undetermined and considerable levels. Enough to be registered as a speeding blur to the naked eye and fast enough to react to certain things at inhuman speeds, such as gunfire.


Warlocks can ignite and manipulate fires with The Power.


Warlocks can see the conjured spirits of the deceased, particularly darklings. Warlocks can also sense when one of their own is using The Power. In some cases, the sensing of one using The Power can awaken another from their slumber.


The power to summon and manipulate the element of wind.


The power to defy gravity and hover or maneuver freely in the air or even fly. Caleb uses this power during his fight with Chase in Putnam Barn. May be an extension/aspect of telekinesis/psychokinesis.

Astral Projection[]

The power to project one's consciousness and senses beyond and away from the physical body. When Sarah got out of the shower to investigate the broken light bulb, that smoky being behind her could have been a case of astral projection; the inference is that it is Chase stalking her (this power may have been used by the head of the Putnam family, John Putnam, prior to said family being hunted down during the witch hunts in the 17th Century in order to visit people in their dreams, as one such victim claimed that this was the crime).


The power to instantaneously disappear from one place and reappear in another. This power is shown all throughout the film when characters would suddenly appear out of nowhere.


The Power enables its users to affect machines to random degrees. (such as when Reid used his powers to fix Sarah's car, he got it running again, and when Caleb used his powers to escape a car crash, he made his car disassemble and reassemble after flying past a truck.)


The power to magically bewitch others into doing one's bidding by the way of suggestion. Through the use of this power, a Son of Ipswich could mentally extract information, subliminally implant commands, lower the inhibitions, manipulate thoughts and memories, or completely disable/enable the emotions in other individuals.
